
Job Detail

Emplois francophone du Nord-Ouest - FR

NB Education and Early Childhood Department


Emplois francophone du Nord-Ouest - FR

NB Education and Early Childhood Department

County: 39

Click on the apply button to view Emplois francophone du Nord-Ouest.


We are committed to hiring military and Veteran spouses and encourage you to identify your connection with the MSEN when reaching out to us or applying to any of our open roles.


Have questions or want to learn more about us? We would love to hear from you!


About NB Education and Early Childhood Department

Public schools in New Brunswick are known for their inclusive and compassionate learning environment, in which the children’s holistic development is the top priority.

The province’s education system is characterized by its innovative pedagogy that places the children at the heart of their learning. As a result, the teacher’s role is to guide students in gaining knowledge and skills.

A number of countries look to New Brunswick for help with improving, revitalizing and overhauling their education systems. In particular, the province is regarded for its expertise in inclusive education.

People choose New Brunswick not only for its employment opportunities in diverse fields, but also for its unmatched quality of life and affordable cost of living. Its small towns and large rural areas are dynamic and welcoming.

Salaries and benefits for teachers in New Brunswick are competitive to the ones in other provinces and other Canadian territories. As Canada’s only officially bilingual province, New Brunswick has two distinct education sectors: Francophone and Anglophone. Each sector is subdivided geographically into school districts.

The districts are responsible for hiring teaching staff. Districts are looking for various roles like teachers, educational assistants, custodians, bus drivers, social workers, psychologists, speech language pathologists and administration.

There are opportunities for all with on call, part-time and full-time opportunities.